
At Rissington, we have taken a number of steps to reduce our environmental footprint and we ask that you join us in our endeavours

What we have done

  • We have completely eliminated plastic water bottles, plastic straws and plastic bags …
  • We have cut our electricity usage by more than 35% by using solar panels and energy-saving light bulbs and by putting our pool filters, ice machines and water pumps on timers …
  • All our glass, paper and tins are collected for recycling by a community-driven initiative which benefits both the planet and the local people …
  • We collect up all our plastic bottle tops, bread clips, cans and cooking oil for recycling …
  • All our leftover food goes to local emerging livestock farmers …
  • We are buying our vegetables from source, we have planted our own herb garden and we have introduced a range of vegetarian and vegan options and sugar-free light drinks …
  • We sponsor numerous children through local and private schools …
  • All our staff and management are from local communities and are coached on the job. We now have our first second-generation employees working here. They are the offspring of our long-standing and loyal team. We are creating family hotelier dynasties …

What you can do

  • You can shower instead of bath. A bath uses up to 150 litres of water, where a 5-minute shower uses only 10 litres of water per minute …
  • You can avoid leaving the tap running while you brush your teeth or shave …
  • You can use your towels for longer. If you would like us to change your towel, leave it on the floor or the base of the shower. If you are happy to re-use it, hang it on a hook or a rail …
  • You can turn off the lights and the air-conditioning (please!) when you are not using them and you could unplug your chargers and any other electrical items when not in use …
  • You can donate any unwanted clothing, equipment, food or other items to a local orphanage. Just hand them in at the office before you leave and we will do the rest …